Did you take a look at your golf shoes recently? Have you given a comprehensive analysis of your shoes lately?
It's hard to admit this because I'll be listing golf shoes high on the list in order of importance when it comes to implementing a comfortable golf swing. Hitting a golf ball flush depends on the swing path, foot stability, and balance. The club is lower on the list. Seriously, pro golfers change sponsors with the seasons. However, the golf shoe is one of the least appreciated pieces of equipment that we use every round, every swing, and it's one of the parts of equipment we are loyal to when it comes to branding. We love them not only because they look good but because they feel good. The golf shoe is involved in every single shot. The look isn't everything when it comes to golf shoes.
Balance is the main reason I make a low or high golf shot. I either fall backward, fall forward, or simply slip when I swing the golf club. After a bad swing, we usually blame the club or swing path.
Some of our swing errors are related to either looking for the shot before hitting it or poorly positioning the ball. On the other hand, getting out of the shot is something that we can easily fix. It doesn't take a swing coach to resolve a worn set of golf shoes or golf spikes. Moreover, I have a phobia of sports injuries, so when I start slipping in a golf swing and my joints move into positions that I didn't choose, I started evaluating my shoes closer.
Golf shoes are the last piece of "golf apparel" that I want to replace. A good pair of shoes can run north of $150 easily. One can argue that they are worth the price since a perfect pair of golf shoes can survive at least four or five sets of golf spikes before you replace the shoe. That's an excellent deal if you think about it.
Who's going to spend $150 anyway? We are budget golfers, right? Some of us wait in line for the new iPhone or the latest pair of Air Jordans. Why shouldn't we get the newest pair of Tiger Woods golf shoes, right? Wrong. Don't forget the iPhone lasts to your next contract, and Jordans will make it until the next pair come out. Golf shoes won't be the last item you buy during the year when it comes to golf products. We have golf balls to buy. We have a new glove to buy. We have to buy new golf grips on our clubs yearly. Oh yeah.. we have to pay for that round of golf every week (sometimes twice a week or more).
Golf shoes are produced by many brands. We probably won't try them all in our lifetime, so I would say that it's OK to develop brand loyalty with golf shoes. Personally, I'm partial to Nike and Adidas, but I also have owned FootJoy, Ram and Puma.
However, before you go out and fork over whatever is in your budget on a new pair of golf shoes, consider all options first. If your current pair of spiked golf shoes doesn't have holes in them and aren't stretched like those old pair of running shoes that need replacing, then buy a set of spikes and keep them in your golf bag. If you've never replaced spikes on your own, all you will need is five minutes, spikes and a spike replacement tool.
Not all golf shoes will need spikes replaced, as some shoes are spikeless styles. The spikeless style are becoming more popular due to their low profile rubber soles and your able to wear them in-and-out of the clubhouse without fear of slipping on the hard floors as with the some of the spiked models. If you find that your shoes are stretched, dirty, and just won't fall back into form (because we have to outdress those in our foursome), a new pair of shoes should be your next purchase. It doesn't have to be expensive, though.
The Deal
Visit your local golf stores and try on as many premium shoes as you can to find the pair that fits you. Take advantage of the store. Try them on and go hit a few balls in their range. Don't forget... you are the customer. You have to feel the shoes in action! Once you've done that, don't hesitate to whip out the phone and search for the best deal possible on the shoe you've found that fits you. We can buy anything online, but we have to try on the shoes first.
However, I'm partial to Nike and Adidas. I've found a couple of pairs on this website that I really like, and they are at a very reasonable price. You may want the brand-new set of Adidas or Jordan Nike golf shoes. But we also have to pay to play. If you're like me, you like to look good when you play. Tough predicament, huh. Not really. In any event, keeping a fresh set of spikes on your golf shoes will not only help you maintain your balance through the golf swing, but it will also lower the chance of a golf injury. Slipping during the swing is something that we all as golfers want to avoid. We strive to shoot lower scores, and we only want to focus on the swing to fix our faults. Golf shoes should be the least of our worries as we have too many other swing thoughts on the course.
As a history, golf apparel went through changes during its course as everything else, but what is unique about the golf game is that it was always has a dress code, or etiquette if you well, which compels the golfer to dress in the right clothes and sharp, fashionable appearance.