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Power Flex Golf Swing Trainer | 40 & 48 in Practice Stick Club


For improving your total golf game, golf training aids can be beneficial for both, beginner and the professional.  If you watch any pro golf tournament, you'll see both, putting aids and hitting aids used on the ranges and putting greens before every round. 

Putting Mats may be one of the most overlooked training devices. Putting is without a doubt one of the most important factors of the game, and this is where you can lower your score the quickest.  The average pro has almost 28 putts per round, the mid-handicap player (11-20 handicap) averages 36 putts per round, while the high-handicap player (25+ handicap) averages 39 putts.  The basic putting mat may be flat with distance markers.  The upgraded style of putting mats have sloped features with an actual hole for the ball with auto-return such as Ram Golf 8ft Putting Mat with Auto-Return.  Golf putting alignment aids are small and can be stored in any golf bag to be used for practice similar to the Eye Line Alignment Mirror.

Golf swing trainers are one of the most popular category as who doesn't like to flush a 300 yard drive with a draw or nail that approach shot to within 5 feet.  Every golfer should keep alignment sticks in your bag to make sure your feet and club are aligned toward the target.  A golf swing arm band is a useful and affordable device that helps keep your arms together during the swing, try using this for a few swings before a round to engrain that swing.  Swing speed sticks are a great resource to increase your swing speed, create a smooth tempo and also helps with flexibility such as our Power Flex Swing Training Stick.

Hitting mats and golf nets are a necessity if you need to train indoors during the cooler months.  Our Ram Golf 10 ft Deluxe Portable Hitting Net is huge at 10'x7' and can be placed in your basement, garage or yard for some extra reps.  An artificial grass hitting mat is needed to hit off of to prevent damage to your club. will be offering more and exciting golf training aids in the near future!